What to Experience in Blankenberge: Events & Activities

Below, you'll find our selection of the finest events in Blankenberge and the surrounding region. Especially in the summer, there are almost daily festivities, ranging from markets and folklore to music performances and sporting events. Yet, even outside the summer season, there's plenty to enjoy in terms of varied activities.

Funfair in Blankenberge

Who didn’t like it as a child to be swirled around in a carousel or to get sticky from some cotton candy. In Blankenberge it is still possible every year. Overview; Stationskermis - Koning ...

Folkloric Harbor Festivals

Experience the unique atmosphere of the fishing port during the Harbour Festivities in Blankenberge. This four-day event, held during the extended Ascension weekend, immerses visitors in the authentic fishing culture of yesteryear with a wide range of maritime ...

Herring happening

Het is al vele jaren een traditie dat de aanvoer van de Nieuwe Hollandse Maatjes een feest maakt. Aan de haven is er vanaf 16 uur animatie en de aankomst van de maatjes voorzien. Het Blankenbergse Shantykoor zorgt voor de muzikale ambiance. Het publiek kan aan de stalletjes maatjes en jenever aan een democratische prijs ...